Beekeeping 101 Course
Beekeeping 101 Course
Beekeeping 101 Short Course will be held in-person only, at the Ag Center. Advanced registration required Course Information and Registration
Beekeeping 101 Short Course will be held in-person only, at the Ag Center. Advanced registration required Course Information and Registration
A Bee’s Eye View of Nucs and How they Adapt - a talk about making up nucs, bee math and keeping the bees in sync with their natural age related job progression to lower the stresses of building a strong healthy colony. Using nucs as a first aid kit, queen rearing, queen mating, queen introduction […]
Beekeeping 101 Short Course will be held in-person only, at the Ag Center. Advanced registration required Course Information and Registration
**Members Invited** Meeting is virtual only: Online meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 4417 2137 Passcode: 684130 Or use one tap mobile +13017158592,,85344172137#,,,,or dial by your location • +1 301 715 8592