A Bee’s Eye View of Nucs and How they Adapt - a talk about making up nucs, bee math and keeping the bees in sync with their natural age related job progression to lower the stresses of building a strong healthy colony. Using nucs as a first aid kit, queen rearing, queen mating, queen introduction […]
**Members Invited** Meeting is virtual only: Online meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85344172137?pwd=kaNY6obTJQFNJaZBbBO0GSxqXlYOGO.1 Meeting ID: 853 4417 2137 Passcode: 684130 Or use one tap mobile +13017158592,,85344172137#,,,,or dial by your location • +1 301 715 8592
Speaker: Charles DeBarber Topic: "Swarms, Cutouts & Bait Boxes" Charles DeBarber is the Animal Husbandry Coordinator at the Filbert Street Garden in Baltimore City. He is President of the Filbert Street Garden Bee Club and manages the largest beeyard in the City of Baltimore. Charles has been keeping bees for 9 years and is an […]