Monthly Membership Meeting
Baltimore County Agricultural Research Center 1114 Shawan Road, Cockeysville, MD, United StatesCheck back for topic and speaker bio. If you have a request or suggestion for a topic or speaker please CONTACT US.
Check back for topic and speaker bio. If you have a request or suggestion for a topic or speaker please CONTACT US.
For directions to the fairgrounds, use the button below
The Central Maryland Beekeepers Association (CMBA) is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to join us at our Honey Bee Learning Center and Honey Sales booth in the Farm & Garden Building at […]
**Members Invited** Meeting is virtual only: Online meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 4417 2137 Passcode: 684130 Or use one tap mobile +13017158592,,85344172137#,,,,or dial by your location […]
Central Maryland Beekeepers Association Fall Celebration Dinner Join us for a taco buffet-style dinner, an early Fall celebration and awards/recognition dinner for the members who have generously spent their time […]
The monthly membership meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. and will end promptly at 9:00 p.m. We're holding an awards ceremony for dedicated members who generously donated their time and/or equipment […]
Topic: CMBA Board Meeting Time: Oct 17, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 848 2766 3988 Passcode: 381829 --- […]
Check back for topic and speaker bio. If you have a request or suggestion for a topic or speaker please CONTACT US.
This month's presentation will explore learning, memory, and the nature of animals "minds." We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Capaldi will be our guest speaker for the Central […]
**Members Invited** Meeting is virtual only: Online meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 4417 2137 Passcode: 684130 Or use one tap mobile +13017158592,,85344172137#,,,,or dial by your location […]
Check back for topic and speaker bio. If you have a request or suggestion for a topic or speaker please CONTACT US.
**Members Invited** Meeting is virtual only: Online meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 4417 2137 Passcode: 684130 Or use one tap mobile +13017158592,,85344172137#,,,,or dial by your location […]
Check back for topic and speaker bio. If you have a request or suggestion for a topic or speaker please CONTACT US.
**Members Invited** Meeting is virtual only: Online meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 4417 2137 Passcode: 684130 Or use one tap mobile +13017158592,,85344172137#,,,,or dial by your location […]
Check back for topic and speaker bio. If you have a request or suggestion for a topic or speaker please CONTACT US.