Who Is CMBA?
Central Maryland Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)(3) educational tax-exempt organization.
Our members include beekeepers and honeybee enthusiasts of all backgrounds and levels of experience. The majority of our members are from Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Carroll County, and Harford Counties. We also have members from all over the state and beyond!

What does CMBA do?
Our Mission is to educate the public about the importance of the honeybee to agriculture and life in general, to promote the benefits of eating locally produced honey, and to provide current information necessary to manage a colony of honeybees on a continuing basis.
- Offer monthly meetings with speakers or demonstrations with local and or nationally renowned beekeepers and or other related experts in their field, opportunities to connect with other members, and so much more!
- Host our community. Your fellow beekeepers are the greatest resource and opportunity to learn. We also help facilitate members to find a mentor if they want one.
- Offer a teaching apiary “The Nuc Yard” for members available through the whole beekeeping season for hands-on learning and questions.
- Offer a basic beekeeper course to set you up with the basic knowledge needed to manage a colony of honeybees.
- Offer library materials for members to check out and return.
- Send a monthly newsletter delivered to your email or mailbox (depending on membership level) and packed full of information.
- Honey extraction equipment is available for members to rent for a nominal fee
- Host events and other get-togethers to foster connections between members
- Operate the Maryland State Fair honey booth. Every year we need many volunteers for this major event and even pull in other local bee clubs to help us. It requires a lot of time, materials, and people to make sure we are able to be there for the public and offer local honey and more for purchase.
- Offer presentations to the public on the importance of the honeybee to agriculture and life in general. Please use the contact form if you are looking for someone to present to your community organization or school.
- Giving back: In 2022 we donated $2,000 to the State Apiary Inspectors Fund!
Where does CMBA meet?

CMBA Board meetings are normally held on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM EST via Zoom.
CMBA meeting cancellations generally follow facility closures by either the Baltimore Co. Parks and Rec. Dept. or the Baltimore Co. Government.
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